E-rauchen tut nicht nicht geruchlos sein. Das kannst du hier nachlesen [[http://www.elektrische-zigaretten-kaufen.info/|e Zigarette]] . Elektro Zigaretten sollen nicht schädlich sein. Deshalb kannst du es ja mal versuchen. ====== paraFetch ====== The paraFetch source code can be found [[http://genome.ucsc.edu/admin/git.html|here]], while the binary can be found [[http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/paraFetch|here]]. <code> mkdir ~/parafetch cd ~/parafetch wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/paraFetch </code> paraFetch fetches files behind an HTTP server, hence we use [[http://nginx.org/|nginx]] since it is relatively easy to install without root. <code> mkdir ~/nginx cd ~/nginx wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.0.0.tar.gz tar zxvf nginx-1.0.0.tar.gz cd nginx-1.0.0/ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/nginx --without-http_rewrite_module --without-http-cache make make install </code> Edit ~/nginx/conf/nginx.conf to use port 8080. In order to use more than 50 streams you must edit the paraFetch source and recompile. To do this for x86_64, with 600 streams: 1. Download the kent source <code> git clone git://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/kent.git </code> 2. Edit lines 1804-1808 in "kent/src/lib/net.c": <code> if (numConnections > PARCONN)/* ignore high values for numConnections */ { warn("Currently maximum number of connections is %d. You requested %d. Will proceed with %d on %s",PARCONN, numConnections, PARCONN, url); numConnections = PARCONN; } </code> 3. Add a #define at the top of "kent/src/lib/net.c": <code> #define PARCONN 600 /*This is the maximum no. of parallel streams supported*/ </code> 4. Compile the common libraries for x86_64 (jkweb.a): <code> cd kent/src/lib/ make x86_64/jkweb.a </code> 5. Compile paraFetch: <code> cd kent/src/utils/paraFetch/ make </code> 6. Copy from your bin: <code> cp ~/bin/x86_64/paraFetch ~/ </code>